N365ES 1997 Cessna 172R, Rent for $150.00 PER HOUR ($15.00 per tenth) CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS!
1997 Cessna 172R. IFR Certified, Garmin GTN 650 touch screen GPS, two Garmin G5 electronic flight instruments: Attitude Indicator & Directional Gyro, Garmin GTX 345 Transponder, ADS-B In and Out, Garmin 340 Audio Panel, KAP140 Single Axis Autopilot, Radio #2: KX155 Nav/Com w/Glide Slope, VOR #2 KI-209 w/ Localizer and Glide Slope, KR 87 ADF, Pointer 3000-10 121.5 MHZ ELT, JPI EDM 700 EGT/CHT Engine Monitor. ELT upgraded to 406MHZ, October 2020
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Example: 1.3 hour = 13 .3 hour = 3 1.0 hour = 10